If you are making a personal injury claim, you need to ascertain that the legal representation you have chosen is the best available and there are several questions you can ask to achieve this.
Do you deal with all types of accidents?
There are many types of accidents although most of them fit into just a few categories, such as:
· Road traffic accidents
· Slips, trips and falls
· Work-related accidents
· Industrial illnesses
· Food poisoning
· Medical negligence
Any type of accident can be part of a claim, providing it was not your fault.
Do you deal in all injuries?
There are a limitless number of injuries you could sustain in an accident that was not your fault, some of the more common ones being:
· Fractures
· Internal injuries
· Joint damage
· Head and brain injuries
· Back and spine injuries
· Facial injuries
· Eye injuries
· Burns and scalds
The severity of injuries can vary greatly and what may seem minor to one victim can be a disaster to another. If the injury should be something life changing such as a severe brain injury, and the victim is no longer capable of managing their own affairs, someone close to them should contact the law firm. It is not fair that they should lose out on their compensation because of the damage their injury had caused, and in this situation the funds may be needed more than ever.
Will you claim all the other expenses?
There are always extra expenses when you have been in an accident. It may only be a prescription charge, or a taxi to the hospital, but over just a few weeks these can amount to a lot of money. You may be on a reduced income anyway if you have had to lose time from work and these expenses will just stretch it further. They can be recovered as part of your personal injury claim.
How much money do you want to start the claim?
A reputable accident lawyers helpline will not want any money from you at all. No money is needed atthe start of your claim or if your claim is lost. This system has been allowed in English law since April 2000 and was put in place to stop the mockery of the law. On one hand the laws says you are entitled to the compensation, but on the other, very few people could afford it. This way everyone can make a claim without having to consider his or her financial situation.
Do you have the experience and expertise needed for a successful claim?
You need to know that the law firm you choose for you legal representation have the experience and expertise that will give your claim the best chance of success. A law firm that has been making claims for many years will have helped countless victims get the access to justice they are entitled to and the compensation they deserved. Experience like this cannot be found any other way and can prove invaluable to new claimants.